BBHTC - Mana Whenua Community Aspirations

We are privileged to be part of one of New Zealand's National Science Challenges, Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities. The research is ongoing and seeks to explore and support mana whenua aspirations within regional Waikato towns.

Nelson City Council Proposed Plan Change Review and Analysis

This work was undertaken as part of the Proposed Nelson Plan Change. Whetū Consultancy Group was engaged to undertake a cultural review and analysis of the proposed changes and provide recommendations for amendments and integration across critical planning documents.

Kaitiaki Environmental Values

This work was undertaken as part of the Sleepyhead Development. Whetū Consultancy Group was engaged to undertake a Kaitiaki Environmental Values Assessment working with affected mana whenua in the area.

Hapū and Iwi Management Planning

We work with hapū and iwi groups to produce unique and functional Management plans that support their aspirations for their whenua, promote their unique values and intent for the treatment of and use of their whenua and sites of significance.

Click the link here to view an example of a recent Hapū Management Plan we supported a local Hapū to produce.

Whenua Māori Planning

An example of our work through our partner organisation Koru Asset Development Group. We work with Whanau Land Trusts to help them plan, strategise and develop action plans to achieve their aspirations for their whenua. 

Click the link below to explore one of our Whenua Māori Master Plans.

Review for Interim Climate Change Committee

Whetū Consultancy Group was contracted by New Zealand's Interim Climate Change Committee to undertake a number of pieces of work to contribute to inform the work that is now being undertaken by the New Zealand Climate Change Commission. This piece of work was a review of all existing Iwi/Hapū Management Plans for analysis in relation to the work programme being undertaken.