Waikato-Tainui Five Year Plan Review

Output 1: Data Summary Review

Consolidation of work undertaken by the Organisation and KPMG at commencement

Outputs 3: Insights and Environment Scan

Output 3 was an Insights and Environment Scan supporting the high level visuals for Output 2 and identification of future trends and influences. An additional Output was also developed in advance of the release of the full report - for to inform advanced budget decision making. Also attached below.

Outputs 4 and 5: Decision Making Criteria and Rationale

Output 4 and 5 were the development of a Decision Making Criteria based on the findings of the Insights report, alignment with Ngaa Tohu and other identified Strategic Action and supporting rationale.

Outputs 6: Key Initiatives Schedule

Output 6 uses all inputs to develop a list of key initiatives identified throughout the 5YP review and engagement.